About a week ago, grade 6 went on a field trip to Kuala Selangor which is the home of fire-flies and Bukit Melawati. One of the things I liked was planting the mangroves,this is because we had a lot of fun doing it, even though we did get muddy. First, we walked down to the mud swamp where we would plant the mangroves. Then we put on our gloves and boots.
It was time to enter the swamp, the guide showed us how to plant the mangrove saplings and we clambered eagerly into the swamp. Once we got in though, we were not quite as eager to work. I fell down after taking one step and then, after two more steps I was stuck. I absoloutely could not move because the mud was so sticky! I used my hands to pry my boots out of the mud. It worked but, my gloves got so muddy that they looked like clumps of brownish grey mud. I took two more steps and was stuck again,this time someone pulled me out and I ran to the nearest tree root and sat on it, exahausted. Then I started again,fell over three times in five steps and was stuck again. This time I just fell over in exhaustion and suddenly my feet came free, without my boots. My socks got really muddy but I got my boots out of the mud and got to another tree stump. I stood on it and asked the guide if I could plant on now. He said there were no more to plant so I actually did not plant a mangrove sapling but after he said that, I got off of the stump and ran to the dead trees on the side of the swamp. I hung there for a while and then I sprinted back to dry land. I made it without even getting stuck or falling. I walked back to the hostel carrying my muddy boots and gloves,I was muddy but satisfied and happy.
When I got back to the hostel Mr.Sheflin hosed me off with a hose and I went and had a shower and got changed. When the others got back we ate lunch and relaxed for a while. Then we got on the bus and headed back to school. Planting mangroves was a really fun expierence for all of us. We got muddy and had fun,every kids dream! It was good for us but it was also really good for the environment because mangroves clean the air. We had sooooooooooooooo much fun that day.