Thursday, February 10, 2011


In humanities we were doing projects on ancient Egyptian Pharoahs (kings, gods). My partner and I did our project on nefertiti, the mystery queen. I think according to the rubric we did pretty well, our description of Nefertiti was relevant and interesting, and according to our sources the time she ruled is correct and our information was correct. We also listed her greatest accomplishments like contributing to the new belief in Aton . We also said all of monuments she built like the Temple of Aton and the palace of Nefertiti and how they reflected on her religion. All of our pictures were good quality and they were interesting and some of them funny. Our voices were mostly clear and there was no background noise. My voice stuttered a couple of times but other than that it was good. Our transitions were fast and not too attention catching so that was good too. Over all our project met most of the requirements on the rubric.

On our project something that worked was Dania being the narrator and me speaking from Nefertiti's view until I died of course (nefertiti died not really me). Another that worked was that we did not use any actual pictures of our selves only off of Google images and Cilipart which made it easier to work because we could use seperate computers to find pictures and do it faster.
Some things that did not work was talking at the same time and also, we ran out of time so next time we should work more and talk less, and I think I got sidetracked a lot so next time I should make sure I remind myself of the time limits so I dont get sidetracked.

Cheyenne and Mao did their presentation on the Pharoh king Khufu. I liked how they said many different things about one idea like "many people thought Khufu was a bad man, others thought he was an okay king " or something like that. I think that they met all of the expectations. They had the time he ruled, time he livedd and good graphics plus MLA citations just like the rubric said. In my own opinion I found their presentation very interesting and fact filled and it sounded like they had practiced a lot before recording and that made it much easier to listen to because their voices had tone and they were not speaking in a boring monotone voice.