Sunday, May 29, 2011

THE END (of the year) IS NEAR

The end of the year is near, and this is a reflection of my year and what I am proud of. This year I would say that the piece of work that I am most proud of is my egyptian rap because after all of the effort we put into it it was fun and it sounded good and gave lots of information about egypt which is what it was supposed to be. Some of the greatest challenges were the amount of homework. Everyday I come home and I do my homework but this year there was so much that I just didn't want to do that anymore, so I ended up doing it when I was supposed to sleep and then it was bad quality. After a few days of that I decided to figure out a system to do my homework. It worked so now I have a system but it was definitely a challenge. Another challenge was stress. This year I have been more stressed out than any other time. I really don't know why, maybe it was homework or maybe it was something else.
This year something I have learned about myself as a learner is that I learn better when I have something in my hands to fiddle with so that I can concentrate better.

To evaluate my work habits I am going to evaluate myself
Behavior- Satisfactory, I think this is because sometimes I talk to much but usually I behave pretty well.
Participation- Actively participate in class. I think that I participate actively in class, for me actively participating is joining the activities, doing what I am expected and more, and listening to my teachers.
Organization- Needs serious help. I chose this one because I am very disorganized and I cannot seem to be neat. My writing my locker, all messy.

In grade seven, I plan to clean my locker at least once a week.
In grade seven I also plan to work harder and get better grades.
There are not really that many other things for you to know about me. My favorite activity this year was tic tac toe in trimester 1, it was a lot of fun and hard work. I wish we could have had more time on our city connections powerpoint, we only had one day for it and we all needed more time, we could have had better quality work if we had had a few more days. Some advice for new 6th graders is that you always do your homework as soon as you get it because otherwise it just piles up and you have to stay up late to do it.

Monday, May 16, 2011

My Favorite Book

This book made me think about ancient greece and ancient rome because that is basically what it is about. I thought about how even in this book greeks and romans were enemies, but if this is fantasy why do they have to be enemies? This book challenged me as a reader because it kept confusing me by changing the people who were telling the story, of course it told me when it changed the point of view but it still confused me a little bit because after a while you get used to one persons point of view then another person comes and you have to get used to it again. But after a while you get used to it. Don't read this book if you don't like things that are fantasy/mythology and you like your stories from only one person's point of view. You should not read this book if you don't like things with sort of elemental powers and I suggest you read the entire Percy Jackson series before this because this is a sort of sub series for it, if you like Percy Jackson you should read this and another series if you like this book is the Red Pyramid and the Throne of Fire which is about Egyptian gods. The second book of the Heroes of Olympus series is not out yet but it will be called Son of Neptune.