Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Religion Statement Response.

Moral actions positively contribute to a society. I agree with his statement, If you listen to the morals in stories, and apply them to real life, you will make other people happy. The morals that you are taught are meant to help you understand what to do, and what is right. If you listen to morals and use them, other people will notice the good that you do, and decide that they want to be like that to, and be happy and make others happy by righting their wrongs and such. Once the whole community is using the morals as guides, it will be a much happier place.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

This I Believe

Amy Tan is a Chinese-American novelist. She believes that she can contact ghosts. She thinks this because after her mother died, she saw her moms face, magnified and sparkling smiling at her. She also says that she gets inspirations, and does not know where they come from. For instance, one time, before her mom died, Ms.Tan wrote a book about a woman who died. Her mom read it and said that that was just what had happened to her grandmother, except for that the questions of her grandmothers death were answered. I think that this is extremely interesting because that means that she could contact some ghosts. If I could contact ghosts I would be scared to stay alone, but Ms.Tan says that the ghosts bring her joy love and happiness, so I think that she is not scared. I was not really touched by this essay, but I thought that it was really cool because she described how her mom kept telling her to contact her grandmother but she could not, but when her mom died she could contact her. So all in all the belief in this essay was in ghosts.