Thursday, May 24, 2012

a good leader considers the will of the people.

I think that good leaders should always consider the will of the people, so that they can keep the majority of the population happy. If they, like King Richard of England just keep oppressing the people, charging more taxes such as the poll tax, that charge you for simply being there, even though it is unfair, and the people obviously don't like it. Good leaders stay on the throne for a long lime, because they are not overthrown by rebellions by people who think they are being treated unfairly. King Richard and most of his predecessors were not good rulers, they only cared about money, and power- definitely not the people.  That is why King Richard was nearly overthrown. The peasants wanted their leader to consider their will, but their leader did not, he just kept adding new taxes, and killing people who did not pay. The people were angry at being treated like this and they joined together to overthrow the King if he did not agree to their terms. King William also did not care about the people, he killed them when he made a mistake( he thought that their cheering was protest.) He did not even try to think that there might have been a mistake on his side, and he just went and made lots of peoples lives worse. So good leaders always consider the will of the people.