Friday, September 10, 2010

A time when I showed courage

One time that I showed courage was when I was at my friend Julia's house and we went out to walk her dog up and down the road. Julia lives in Ukay Heights, and that is a dangerous place for more than one reason, (weird people and also,her house is on the edge of a cliff) we were just walking along when this guy sitting on the hood of his car stopped us.

He asked what the dog was called and we told him(Misty) he petted the dog and asked us where we lived. We were silent for a bit and he asked us again "Where do you live" and lit a cigarette. We didn't know what to do so I did some quick thinking and said "We are sisters and we don't live here, we are just visiting" this was belivable because I have blond hair and Julia has light orange hair. He seemed to be interested, but he asked where we were staying and I told him that we were staying there and pointed to an undefined spot in the distance but that our parents were in the house right next to us.

Then he said that it was nice to meet us and moved out of our way and we ran to Julia's house and got in as fast as lightning,terrified. I think that that was a time when I showed courage because that was really scary and to this day I still think that guy is going to come and find me. That is also like Mafatu and the sea god, the sea god wants to claim Mafatu and I think that guy wants to claim me. But I also thought I showed courage because I had to  make a belivable story when this guy in front of me was basically making my mind get blocked with one scary thought - kidnapper and my nerves were telling me to scream and run but I didn't because he would chase me.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ancient artifacts tell us about the lives of early humans because if you find an ancient sculpture you know that people were able to sculpt a long time ago.It also shows that in prehistoric times people weren't as dumb as they are made out to be.

Spear Thrower,it has a carved horse near the top of it and it looks like a type of staff that the leader of a prehistoric group might have held while doing something religous. It is in color and has desighns carved around the top underneath the horse.What I learned is that ancient people also had a sense of religion and they were good hunters compared to us nowadays.

Clay Sculptures,they  look like buffalo or bison  and are grey in color. They are also cracked because they have been worn down by falling rocks, and other natural happenings.they do not have many details but you can still see that they arte supposed to be bison.What I learned from this is that in prehistoric times people did'nt use dyes or paints to colour their sculptures I also learned that the prehistoric people usually made sculptures or paintings to describe an event or religous happening.

Cave Painting of Animals,this picture has a herd of animals running away from another There are many colors and it is quite descriptive although the shapes of animals are not so clear. The animals look like they might be horses but they could also be deer.I learned that prehistoric people, although strong didn't make the clearest pictures.

Those are some things about prehistoric pictures that I hope will help you to learn more about prehistoric times.