Monday, January 24, 2011

City Connection

This week in humanities we have been doing a project called City Connections where we research a city we have lived in. In the presentations we had some Environmental Factors,some Historical Factors and some statistical Information and maps. I did the city Calgary in Canada and I think I did pretty well on the Historical Factors because Calgary is a very historical town, it used to be a fort and it is also near many other historical sites like Dinosaur National Park and Banff National Park. I also think I did well on Environmental Factors because Calgary has many rivers and there are a lot of mountains around like the Elbow and Bow Rivers and the Rocky Mountains for me to research. I think I did well on the environmental factors because my city was very easy to research and my dad helped me put it into my own words.

In future presentations I think I should practice what I am going to say some more so that I will be more prepared and make me look professional as well as making it easier for my audience to understand me.I also think that I should try to make my presentation more eye catching and interesting for the audience. I also think that I should tell more about the city not just what it says to write but also more to make it more interesting. I also think I should add more pictures so that I could show my audience more about the presentation, not just tell them.

In my presentation process I learned that you should always follow the instructions so that you have everything in your presentation not just some of it because you might not get a good grade if you don't. I also learned that you should not do your presentation at the last minute because you might not do such a good job and you might bore the audience with things that they can just read themselves from the board. I also learned that you should add some personality to your presentation so that it is not just facts. Some things I learned from other presentations are that you should not say ummmm or like etc...because it ruins the whole presentation and you feel embarrassed and stutter if you have not prepared. You should actually listen when the teacher says you have to do all of those things on the list not just make a presentation on one of the steps.

I met all of the expectations on the rubric by doing specifically what it said on the rubric instead of only the instructions so that I met every single thing on the rubric. In my performance I think I did pretty well because I was prepared, my presentation had personality and the audience liked it. I also think that I did well because I had a LOT of facts! I actually had fun doing my presentation on Calgary because I learned a lot of things I never knew about Calgary and I got really into my work it helped me understand my presentation more. I think I did well and I think everybody else did well too! I did have a little matter of time but I was ready and prepared to present when the day came. I did still almost have a heart attack when I could not find the file at home!!!

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