Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The giver

I chose the second choice for this blogpost. What do you think about thge practices and rituals in the community". I think that taking pills just because you have weird dreams is dumb. What is the point of taking pills because you felt something in a dream and you liked it. I also think that being released is not useful unless you apply for it. I think this because if you are sent out from the community as a baby because you are to weak to be useful how can you survive? If you are released because of a crime why dont they just put you in prison??? And if you are not strong enough for one particular job then you should be able to change your job not be banished ! I also don't think that kids should be given jobs and hard work to do at the age of 12!!! They should get jobs when they are older like 15 or something. I also think they should be able to choose their jobs so that they would be happy. Then again if the community did not release there would be chaos, so my idea for a soloution is that they make training centers for the weak and extra care centers to make babies grow strong and also prisons for the people who disobey the rules. Is that not a better way to resolve the situation than releasing people?

1 comment:

  1. I really liked this blog post. One reason I liked your blogpost was because I liked how you wrote the question again instead of just saying, "I chose the second choice for this blogpost." Instead of just saying that, you wrote what the question was so that was good. The second reason I liked your blogpost was because that you showed the feelings you have about this book. You didn't write how you felt like, "I feel sad because of..." but you showed me. Like, by the exclamations marks, I can feel that you are really frustrated. I can feel that you really mean what you are saying. The third reason I liked it was because you wrote your opinions about the book. You asked a lot of questions. You also wrote what you think about the book. Like, "Oh, they should do.... instead of doing....!" By your opinions, I immediately knew what this chapter was about. Even though, I also have read the book, if I hadn't read the book, I think I could've figured out what this book was about. But you do have some problems with punctuation and spelling. You should be more careful about that, otherwise, this blogpost is really good.
