Monday, March 28, 2011

Malaysia Week (KKB)

Yeah!!! KKB!! My name is Johanna and I am 11 years old. I am from a whole bunch of places, Canada England Germany and Iraq. I have never been on any Malaysia weeks because I am in 6th grade, but my teacher in 5th grade told me a lot of great stories about malaysia week and how fun it would be. I am most excited about absailing down a waterfall. I think it will be a lot of fun because you will get your feet wet and then I am guessing that when you get to the bottom you will get soaked!!! One thing I am afraid of is leeches because they suck your blood and then they inject something so that the blood doesn't scab, it just bleeds, ugh!

To be environmentally friendly on malaysia week so that future generations can enjoy it too we will only use biodegradable things to wash anything and we will not use paper plates and if we do one time we will dispose of it in a good way. We could also add an activity which is planting more trees in the rainforest or we could brainstorm some other ideas for extra activities that will help the rainforest survive.

I think that we should do a skit after malaysia week. Our skit should be about the activities we do and what our favorite parts were and why. For an example we show if people were scared and how they overcame their fears on malaysia week. For instance, so and so was too scared to absail down the water fall, but they did it and actually had a lot of fun. We would react that and then show how much fun people really had. I think that every person should choose one thing that challenged them and then we will all re act it.

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