Monday, March 28, 2011

Literature circles #4 Freedom

The quotes relate to the themes of freedom because Jonas says he feels guilty about giving Gabe memories, but he is doing it all the same he is not obeying the rules but he is free and he does not have to obey the rules, this basically says that he has found freedom because he does things because they are nice, not because he is obeying the rules (which he is NOT!). He also says "there could be love." This relates to the themes of freedom because he is actually talking about something that is forbidden but he is making his own decisions and saying what he means. The last part of the quote says that Jonas decided to stop taking the pill. This is really freedom from the restraint from feelings. Those pills numb your feelings and by not taking them Jonas is freeing himself from the restraint of his feelings.

I also think that these quotes relate to the themes of freedom because they are all something Jonas is doing by choice, and not because he is being told to by someone or something. I think that Jonas is a little weird for wanting those dreams back because after reading about the first one I cannot believe Jonas wants more of those disgusting dreams, but since it is his own free will, I won't say anything else. I also think that talking to Gabe in the middle of the night shows that Jonas can do what he wants and he is free.

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