Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Religion Statement Response.

Moral actions positively contribute to a society. I agree with his statement, If you listen to the morals in stories, and apply them to real life, you will make other people happy. The morals that you are taught are meant to help you understand what to do, and what is right. If you listen to morals and use them, other people will notice the good that you do, and decide that they want to be like that to, and be happy and make others happy by righting their wrongs and such. Once the whole community is using the morals as guides, it will be a much happier place.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

This I Believe

Amy Tan is a Chinese-American novelist. She believes that she can contact ghosts. She thinks this because after her mother died, she saw her moms face, magnified and sparkling smiling at her. She also says that she gets inspirations, and does not know where they come from. For instance, one time, before her mom died, Ms.Tan wrote a book about a woman who died. Her mom read it and said that that was just what had happened to her grandmother, except for that the questions of her grandmothers death were answered. I think that this is extremely interesting because that means that she could contact some ghosts. If I could contact ghosts I would be scared to stay alone, but Ms.Tan says that the ghosts bring her joy love and happiness, so I think that she is not scared. I was not really touched by this essay, but I thought that it was really cool because she described how her mom kept telling her to contact her grandmother but she could not, but when her mom died she could contact her. So all in all the belief in this essay was in ghosts.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

50 word summary of chapter 8 perseus

Chapter 8 -Love at first sight.

Perseus is flying back to king Polydectes' court when he sees a beautiful prinncess chained to a rock. He loves her immediately and asks her to marry him. She accepts so Perseus saves her from the sea monster by killing it, and he sets her free. He marries her later.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My memories

I remember walking across the grey tar of the hospital parking lot when I was 2 1/2 years old holding my babysitter Angie's hand, in my other hand I clutched a bunch of brightly colored balloons, when we got to the room where my brother and mother were, I shreiked, YAY, I have a brother.
I remember walking into the classroom on the first day of kindergarten, I looked around, clutching my mothers hand, there were a lot of kids around me doing the same thing, a woman came up to us, hello, my name is Miss. Montanaro, I will be your teacher this year.
I remember playing in the attic when I was 4, I walked to the stairs took a step, and tumbled down the stairs, too shocked to cry out. I hit something soft.
I remember waking up stretching and running to my parents room when I was 5, no one was there, I looked around and saw my babysitter Courtney, I asked her where my mom and dad were, and she said, Johanna, you have a new baby sister.
I remember walking up to the airplane when I was 9, my sister was right behind me pulling her little polly pocket suitcase behind her, my brother trudged behind her, we stepped onto the plane, and we were off, to a land I had never even heard of before, Malaysia.
I remember answering the door, and seeing a dog walk in with it's owners, the dog was called Fredo, and he was ours now.
I remember when I was 6, I was dancing around the room to an ABBA CD wearing a pink sleeping beauty dress.
I remember when I was 3, and it was my third birthday, I was at the play centre, there were brightly colored toys all strewn around, and on the table, was a pile of presents and a cake covered in smarties.
I remember when I was 5, I walked up to the piano, and in front of the audience, began to play twinkle twinkle little star.
I remember when I was 6, dressing up as a nurse and my brother was the doctor, and we did a checkup with his doctor's kit on my frail, old grandparents.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Bio Poem

Who is Happy, Fun and a bit crazy
Who is sister of Amelia and Jasper
Who loves the earth, friends and family
Who feels nice, excited and cosy
Who needs to tidy her desk, tidy her locker, tidy her folder
Who gives a helping hand, advice, and support
Who fears deadly poisonous snakes, death, and deathly sickness
Who would like to see Mount Everest,
Who shares her lunch money
Who is an animal lover
Who is a resident of Calgary, Canada and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Sunday, May 29, 2011

THE END (of the year) IS NEAR

The end of the year is near, and this is a reflection of my year and what I am proud of. This year I would say that the piece of work that I am most proud of is my egyptian rap because after all of the effort we put into it it was fun and it sounded good and gave lots of information about egypt which is what it was supposed to be. Some of the greatest challenges were the amount of homework. Everyday I come home and I do my homework but this year there was so much that I just didn't want to do that anymore, so I ended up doing it when I was supposed to sleep and then it was bad quality. After a few days of that I decided to figure out a system to do my homework. It worked so now I have a system but it was definitely a challenge. Another challenge was stress. This year I have been more stressed out than any other time. I really don't know why, maybe it was homework or maybe it was something else.
This year something I have learned about myself as a learner is that I learn better when I have something in my hands to fiddle with so that I can concentrate better.

To evaluate my work habits I am going to evaluate myself
Behavior- Satisfactory, I think this is because sometimes I talk to much but usually I behave pretty well.
Participation- Actively participate in class. I think that I participate actively in class, for me actively participating is joining the activities, doing what I am expected and more, and listening to my teachers.
Organization- Needs serious help. I chose this one because I am very disorganized and I cannot seem to be neat. My writing my locker, all messy.

In grade seven, I plan to clean my locker at least once a week.
In grade seven I also plan to work harder and get better grades.
There are not really that many other things for you to know about me. My favorite activity this year was tic tac toe in trimester 1, it was a lot of fun and hard work. I wish we could have had more time on our city connections powerpoint, we only had one day for it and we all needed more time, we could have had better quality work if we had had a few more days. Some advice for new 6th graders is that you always do your homework as soon as you get it because otherwise it just piles up and you have to stay up late to do it.

Monday, May 16, 2011

My Favorite Book

This book made me think about ancient greece and ancient rome because that is basically what it is about. I thought about how even in this book greeks and romans were enemies, but if this is fantasy why do they have to be enemies? This book challenged me as a reader because it kept confusing me by changing the people who were telling the story, of course it told me when it changed the point of view but it still confused me a little bit because after a while you get used to one persons point of view then another person comes and you have to get used to it again. But after a while you get used to it. Don't read this book if you don't like things that are fantasy/mythology and you like your stories from only one person's point of view. You should not read this book if you don't like things with sort of elemental powers and I suggest you read the entire Percy Jackson series before this because this is a sort of sub series for it, if you like Percy Jackson you should read this and another series if you like this book is the Red Pyramid and the Throne of Fire which is about Egyptian gods. The second book of the Heroes of Olympus series is not out yet but it will be called Son of Neptune.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Literature circles #4 Freedom

The quotes relate to the themes of freedom because Jonas says he feels guilty about giving Gabe memories, but he is doing it all the same he is not obeying the rules but he is free and he does not have to obey the rules, this basically says that he has found freedom because he does things because they are nice, not because he is obeying the rules (which he is NOT!). He also says "there could be love." This relates to the themes of freedom because he is actually talking about something that is forbidden but he is making his own decisions and saying what he means. The last part of the quote says that Jonas decided to stop taking the pill. This is really freedom from the restraint from feelings. Those pills numb your feelings and by not taking them Jonas is freeing himself from the restraint of his feelings.

I also think that these quotes relate to the themes of freedom because they are all something Jonas is doing by choice, and not because he is being told to by someone or something. I think that Jonas is a little weird for wanting those dreams back because after reading about the first one I cannot believe Jonas wants more of those disgusting dreams, but since it is his own free will, I won't say anything else. I also think that talking to Gabe in the middle of the night shows that Jonas can do what he wants and he is free.

Malaysia Week (KKB)

Yeah!!! KKB!! My name is Johanna and I am 11 years old. I am from a whole bunch of places, Canada England Germany and Iraq. I have never been on any Malaysia weeks because I am in 6th grade, but my teacher in 5th grade told me a lot of great stories about malaysia week and how fun it would be. I am most excited about absailing down a waterfall. I think it will be a lot of fun because you will get your feet wet and then I am guessing that when you get to the bottom you will get soaked!!! One thing I am afraid of is leeches because they suck your blood and then they inject something so that the blood doesn't scab, it just bleeds, ugh!

To be environmentally friendly on malaysia week so that future generations can enjoy it too we will only use biodegradable things to wash anything and we will not use paper plates and if we do one time we will dispose of it in a good way. We could also add an activity which is planting more trees in the rainforest or we could brainstorm some other ideas for extra activities that will help the rainforest survive.

I think that we should do a skit after malaysia week. Our skit should be about the activities we do and what our favorite parts were and why. For an example we show if people were scared and how they overcame their fears on malaysia week. For instance, so and so was too scared to absail down the water fall, but they did it and actually had a lot of fun. We would react that and then show how much fun people really had. I think that every person should choose one thing that challenged them and then we will all re act it.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The giver

I chose the second choice for this blogpost. What do you think about thge practices and rituals in the community". I think that taking pills just because you have weird dreams is dumb. What is the point of taking pills because you felt something in a dream and you liked it. I also think that being released is not useful unless you apply for it. I think this because if you are sent out from the community as a baby because you are to weak to be useful how can you survive? If you are released because of a crime why dont they just put you in prison??? And if you are not strong enough for one particular job then you should be able to change your job not be banished ! I also don't think that kids should be given jobs and hard work to do at the age of 12!!! They should get jobs when they are older like 15 or something. I also think they should be able to choose their jobs so that they would be happy. Then again if the community did not release there would be chaos, so my idea for a soloution is that they make training centers for the weak and extra care centers to make babies grow strong and also prisons for the people who disobey the rules. Is that not a better way to resolve the situation than releasing people?

Thursday, February 10, 2011


In humanities we were doing projects on ancient Egyptian Pharoahs (kings, gods). My partner and I did our project on nefertiti, the mystery queen. I think according to the rubric we did pretty well, our description of Nefertiti was relevant and interesting, and according to our sources the time she ruled is correct and our information was correct. We also listed her greatest accomplishments like contributing to the new belief in Aton . We also said all of monuments she built like the Temple of Aton and the palace of Nefertiti and how they reflected on her religion. All of our pictures were good quality and they were interesting and some of them funny. Our voices were mostly clear and there was no background noise. My voice stuttered a couple of times but other than that it was good. Our transitions were fast and not too attention catching so that was good too. Over all our project met most of the requirements on the rubric.

On our project something that worked was Dania being the narrator and me speaking from Nefertiti's view until I died of course (nefertiti died not really me). Another that worked was that we did not use any actual pictures of our selves only off of Google images and Cilipart which made it easier to work because we could use seperate computers to find pictures and do it faster.
Some things that did not work was talking at the same time and also, we ran out of time so next time we should work more and talk less, and I think I got sidetracked a lot so next time I should make sure I remind myself of the time limits so I dont get sidetracked.

Cheyenne and Mao did their presentation on the Pharoh king Khufu. I liked how they said many different things about one idea like "many people thought Khufu was a bad man, others thought he was an okay king " or something like that. I think that they met all of the expectations. They had the time he ruled, time he livedd and good graphics plus MLA citations just like the rubric said. In my own opinion I found their presentation very interesting and fact filled and it sounded like they had practiced a lot before recording and that made it much easier to listen to because their voices had tone and they were not speaking in a boring monotone voice.

Monday, January 24, 2011

City Connection

This week in humanities we have been doing a project called City Connections where we research a city we have lived in. In the presentations we had some Environmental Factors,some Historical Factors and some statistical Information and maps. I did the city Calgary in Canada and I think I did pretty well on the Historical Factors because Calgary is a very historical town, it used to be a fort and it is also near many other historical sites like Dinosaur National Park and Banff National Park. I also think I did well on Environmental Factors because Calgary has many rivers and there are a lot of mountains around like the Elbow and Bow Rivers and the Rocky Mountains for me to research. I think I did well on the environmental factors because my city was very easy to research and my dad helped me put it into my own words.

In future presentations I think I should practice what I am going to say some more so that I will be more prepared and make me look professional as well as making it easier for my audience to understand me.I also think that I should try to make my presentation more eye catching and interesting for the audience. I also think that I should tell more about the city not just what it says to write but also more to make it more interesting. I also think I should add more pictures so that I could show my audience more about the presentation, not just tell them.

In my presentation process I learned that you should always follow the instructions so that you have everything in your presentation not just some of it because you might not get a good grade if you don't. I also learned that you should not do your presentation at the last minute because you might not do such a good job and you might bore the audience with things that they can just read themselves from the board. I also learned that you should add some personality to your presentation so that it is not just facts. Some things I learned from other presentations are that you should not say ummmm or like etc...because it ruins the whole presentation and you feel embarrassed and stutter if you have not prepared. You should actually listen when the teacher says you have to do all of those things on the list not just make a presentation on one of the steps.

I met all of the expectations on the rubric by doing specifically what it said on the rubric instead of only the instructions so that I met every single thing on the rubric. In my performance I think I did pretty well because I was prepared, my presentation had personality and the audience liked it. I also think that I did well because I had a LOT of facts! I actually had fun doing my presentation on Calgary because I learned a lot of things I never knew about Calgary and I got really into my work it helped me understand my presentation more. I think I did well and I think everybody else did well too! I did have a little matter of time but I was ready and prepared to present when the day came. I did still almost have a heart attack when I could not find the file at home!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Learning Profiles

In class we did some learning profiles. I figured out that I was an L profile and I was Gestalt. This means that I learn well when I am not under stress. I also know this from experience because once I lost all of my french supplies and I was really stressed out. I went two nights without sleeping more than 3 hours and I did not tell anyone except the french teacher. I got new supplies but before that I could not concentrate on anything like math science, french and humanities. I could concentrate in PE and Drama because I didn't really need to think but other subjects I just didn't understand anything. In Math the teacher asked me a question and I could not answer because I was too distracted by a bird outside and a kid fiddling with his fingers and my brain could not process the question. My paper explains that this is because when I am under stress I will become clumsy and I lock myself into the right(gestalt) side of my brain so I don't really understand the logic things that people ask me I can answer them if it is an easy question but anything new does not go into my brain. Also, I do not have a clear memory of what happened, I always think it was a rainy day in the middle of nowhere when I lost my things.

I need to have something to fiddle with so that I can concentrate on other things like the teacher. I need an environment that is calm and no one fidgets so that I can concentrate. I also need a seat where I can get up and move around without disturbing someone else and I can fidget in and not annoy people . I know they will be irritated if I do especially if they are Gestalt like me. I need to combine my learning with physical activities because I learn best through physical activities.I need to be left alone when I am under stress because I will have to think much harder to access my dominant hemisphere and I will be struggling.

The strategies that would help me in my learning are squeezing something while being attentive. Sitting in a place where no one can distract me and I would not distract anyone. Doing physical things at lunch and in class might also help me be more attentive because I often find myself restless in class and if I did physical activities that could stop happening. I also find I cannot concentrate on lots of things at once because when someone fiddles with something or gets up and walks around I get really distracted and I cannot listen. A way of solving this problem is having something to fiddle with so that I don't get distracted by other people fiddling with little things.

Something my teachers should know is that when I am under stress I may have trouble answeringn the questions and I will be very tired. When I am under stress I like being left alone to concentrate and I will be upset if someone disturbs me. Another thing is I talk a LOT! That is because I am usually bored and I ant to move around so my energy comes out verbally. I like to read because it is interesting and distractiong so I don't need to move around as much and I will be quiet. If I am distractiong others I like to be told so that I can try and stop. Those are some things I would like you to know.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Years Resoloutions

To enter 2011 I made two resolutions, first to become a vegetarian, and second to exercise more. I wanted to become a vegetarian because I always feel guilty of murder when I eat meat. I don't like killing things and even though they are just animals they are still live things and I just can't eat that. I will still eat fish because it contains omega 3 and that is healthy. I will eat chicken soup no more than once a week but when I go to my friends houses I will not make their parents make me a vegetarian meal, I will just eat whatever is there even though it makes me feel extremely guilty. I will also have to eat more tofu, beans,dairy, and other meat free things. But I don't really mind these things if it means I am saving a life, I say this, but I don't think I could ever become a vegan! And I need to exercise more because I like to eat sweets and junk food so I have to burn it off somehow. Apart  from climbing once a week and tennis and rollerskating every now and again I plan to participate more in PE and try to get better marks so that my fitness level rises. I will also try to do some sports during lunch break and what I would really love to do is go ice skating twice a week but we are in Malaysia and that does not happen here so I don't think that is possible. I really need to improve my swimming and I have a pool at home so I can practice and I can improve my fitness while also improving my strokes. These are my two new years resolutions and I hope I can keep them up and enjoy my life at the same time!

During the holidays I went to England and Germany, and Thailand and Laos. I know it sounds nice but truly it was a disaster. We were on the plane to England so that we could catch a connecting flight to Munich, Germany. Unfortunately we went the day that England had a huge snowfall and Heathrow airport closed and our flight was diverted Frankfurt, Germany, which is a three hour drive to Munich. We got off of the plane and I hadnot slept for the whole flight and I was sooooooo tired!!!! We went to the luggage carousel and waited for five minutes only to hear the announcement " All passengers from the flight from Heathrow please proceed to counter five to be provided with a hotel while we locate your luggage" It was something like that. At this time I am not going to document the words I heard after the announcement was finished, there were a lot of British people on that plan and they did not use the most appropriate of all words to express their feelings. My dad was trying not to swear as he said, our luggage is tagged through to Munich and these *#@$!s are going sort this out for us soon! I was so tired, all I wanted was a bed and I would sleep. I was also constantly looking out of the window to see the snow, I had not seen snow for three years and I was amazed by it. So we went to the hotel and slept for a night and got a rental car the next day and drove to Munich. We saw my German Oma ( grandma) and went shopping in one of the many Christmas markets, but first we bought clothes.We had fun but it was time to go to England, we did have one bag for our new things.

We also had a great time without luggage in England and on Christmas day we celebrated with cousins and other family. After that my grandma in England started acting weird because of the drugs she was taking for her Parkinson's. She was using a flashlight as a toothbrush and she was upset because it would not work, she also burned the kettle by setting it on the stove which was still on. When we came back home for one night we were exhausted and tired. The next day we left for Laos and almost immediately after we arrived I got strep throat  and in Laos in Luang Prabang there were no good doctors so I used up most of our painkillers before I recovered. My brother went biking with my dad and fell, scraping a quarter of the skin on his knee off. Soon after that we went to Railay Beach in Thailand and finally relaxed a little bit. Those were the places I went on holiday and as you heard it was not the most enjoyable of all holidays but some people have evidently had worse.

Something nobody knows about me is something I only just figured out which is that I sleepwalk and talk. I know this because once when my mom came in to tuck my sister Amelia in I got up with my eyes open and I walked all the way around the beds to my brother Jaspers bed. My mom asked "Johanna, why are you over there??" I ranted back at her " I don't want to see Amelia go to the bathroom!!" My mom realised that I was actually asleep and came over and gently shook me I shook her off and walked all the way around to my bed, said "Because it is disgusting!!" And closed my eyes. And I got all this from my mom because I do not remember any of it !!!!
So that was my New Years Resoloutions, What I did on Holiday and Something that Nobody knows about me.